I just heard someone describing herself as a monogamous knitter - she works on only one project at a time. I have always worked on multiple projects at the same time. does that make me a polygynous crocheter?
if my projects have gender (or is it sex? does a fuck doily have sex? is a cock doily male?), I could be a polyandrous or polygamous crocheter? and if they all approve of each other, maybe I'm a polyamorous crocheter, into fibrous polyfidelity.
I have no idea what kind of graphic to use to compliment this post.
if my projects have gender (or is it sex? does a fuck doily have sex? is a cock doily male?), I could be a polyandrous or polygamous crocheter? and if they all approve of each other, maybe I'm a polyamorous crocheter, into fibrous polyfidelity.
I have no idea what kind of graphic to use to compliment this post.