Recently in toilet paper rolls Category

tiny worlds inside toilet paper rolls

clever! what fun! first I thought the artist actually had some specially angled tiny knife to carve the top layer of paper from the inside of the roll and stand it up.  but now I think it's done in a slightly more possible way.


more faces in toilet paper rolls!

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alas!  another artist brings faces out of toilet paper rolls, this time origami-style!

from, the artist is Jacquet Fritz Junior

tpOrigamiBeforeAfter.jpgbefore / after

who knew?  what else can we do with this ubiquitous art material?

gorgeous toilet paper artwork!

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tpTreeYukenTeruya.jpgis this not amazing?!  and I think it's cut by hand although the artist's website doesn't say.

check out more of Yuken Teruya's work.  he is trying to bring our attention to the beauty of things we throw away.  I think he nailed it.

I'm still wanting to do some sort of collaborative art piece with empty toilet paper rolls.  maybe there's a hint in Yuken's work somewhere.

pranks with toilet paper roll innards

have you ever been so hit with instant comprehension of an over the top idea that you open your eyes so full that they hurt?  and your eyeball falls out?  ok, me neither BUT my eyelid muscles stung like I might've ripped something when a fellow laser creator this evening hit on just what to do with a bunch of toilet paper innards.

tpRoll.jpgetch sudoku puzzles on them and then reconstitute them with a couple sittings' worth of toilet paper (unused, you ninny) rolled back on them.  then sabotage your friends' bathrooms.

thank you, Robert Snedegar, for this hilarious idea!  we continued to riff on this....

why isn't Scott Tissue trying to sell tp like Pepsi sells drinks?  "Win prizes!  Read the innard of your tp roll to see what you've won!  Win a lifetime supply!"

someone should ask someone else to marry them this way, the perpetrator pacing the halls, borrowing the neighbor's bathroom to ensure that their intended recipient will be the next user of the bathroom to get the message.  we won't talk about what happens if the recipient is overjoyed with the proposal and forgets ... what ... state they're in before pursing the object of their affections.

and limericks - why isn't anyone putting dirty limericks on tp rolls to entertain the cleaned up masses?

I wonder what mine says ...

calling on all my creative maniac friends

what statement could we make with 5000 etched or cut toilet paper innards?  I'm dying to create something but it would have to make a strong statement - beautiful or entertaining or something having to do with recycling.  and these rolls are just not speaking to me.
I know ... maybe that's a good thing.  but i'm inspired by things like Tara Donovan's work where she takes a common everyday item - lots of them - and displays them in a very stunning way.
all you readers I'm seeing from over at missionmission - if you could, what statement would You make with a million toilet paper innards?

see past post for more tp laser info.

holy grail achieved for laser artist

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face on rollFINALLY, I achieved something I've been thinking, salivating, dreaming of doing for over a year now - laser etch SomeThing on the innard of a toilet paper roll.

can you see it? that's not Jesus or his mom. that is me. there, I said it, put it on the web, it must be true.

no, really. I saw it etch out with my own eyes. and the picture is enhanced a bit so it shows up better online although this material doesn't darken much.

so why did it take me so long? I just had to build a little jig to hold it. needed to make it heavier so it would turn properly. but the photo is wider than it should be because the jig has a narrower diameter than the roll. will improve it so the turning radius matches the toilet paper roll - or make my artwork narrower next time.

I can sleep now.

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This page is an archive of recent entries in the toilet paper rolls category.

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