December 2008 Archives
SOAP's 50 Hoops Show - open thru early Jan. Check it out. Some pics from the opening:


the. hoop. show.
go see it!

I wrote to Allan over at missionmission 'cause it was too funny. then I apologized for being so entertained by the benign.
and his response was even funnier:
"Oh don't get me started on the benign. I saw a Cup 'o Noodles balanced on top of a fire hydrant the other night -- took pictures from three different angles because it tickled me so."
I see he's posted it here and is more on top of his blog at the moment than I.
then I wondered - who put the noodles there? did they do it on purpose? if so, what was it? to give Allan something to photograph and a chuckle and a way through another few minutes of his life? did they watch him? or were they ducking into a cab with their friends and the cabbie said no to noodles...

But back to the UPS trucks. I bet the UPS people have a word for that. they must plan those rendezvouz, don't ya think? and how do they talk about it? hey ... uh ... Jack ... we ... uh ... gotta go do that thing with our vans ... at 7 tonite ... in the middle of Valencia ... .
nooo, they Must have a word for it. What Is It? does anyone work at one of these places or have a relative they can ask? now I'm really curious but I've spooked enough people with my doily art - I'm gonna let someone else go this time. let me know what you find out.

see past post for more tp laser info.